Archives in Action

来自各个专业的八名学生获得了与伯洛伊特LGBTQ+社区成员联系的令人兴奋的机会,并通过一系列采访帮助保存伯洛伊特的酷儿历史, document analysis, and archive development.

On Sunday, March 24, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Michael Dango, Assistant Professor and Chair of English, and his Queer Theory, Film, 和社区班在伯洛伊特历史学会举办了一场口述历史收获活动,重点关注女同性恋, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ+) experiences in the surrounding community.

Prof. 迈克尔·丹戈在图书馆的壁画前与伯洛伊特历史学会的学生们合影 Prof. 迈克尔·丹戈在图书馆的壁画前与伯洛伊特历史学会的学生们合影

Olivia Alvarado’25’s role in this event was primarily to conduct interviews, 但之前的其他准备工作包括与同学一起制作海报和在社交网络上做广告. As a McNair Program Scholar and two-time Duffy Partnerships participant, Alvarado is no stranger to this kind of work.

Olivia Alvarado'25 (left) and Cynthia Rossbach'24 (right) Olivia Alvarado'25 (left) and Cynthia Rossbach'24 (right)“在第一年与Carol Wickersham和Duffy Partnerships合作后,我爱上了基于社区的学习,” she stated. “在这门课上,作为一名伯洛伊特大学的学生,我特别关注它. 意想不到的人会帮助你,为你提供一个全面的视角,打破身份障碍. 去新的空间并亲身体验它们有助于重塑我的思想,让我觉得自己与社区的联系更紧密. I really want to provide something in my time here.”

Though the turnout was lower than expected, Alvarado enjoyed the event, 她和她的同学们仍然认为他们整个学期所做的事情是通往成功的垫脚石.

就像伯洛伊特国际电影节不是一夜成名一样, our work sets a sustainable precedent for being an ongoing event.”

Additionally, through this event, 学生们吹嘘自己对各自实习的无数反思, such as deciding an object’s identity and historical value, as well as how to appraise and archive it.

By: Korynne E. Wilson'25
April 15, 2024

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